Wednesday 29 January 2014

In Dire Need of Motivation.....

I love motivational quotes; it is something I've inherited from my mother and grandmother. But as January wears on and I realize how much more winter there is... somedays getting up and getting going is tough. My running dynamic has changed and that is part of what life if all about. Nothing remains the same and it is through this process that we grow.

I love running and I love the challenge of pushing my body to new extremes that I didn't know I had in me. But when it is cold and don't want to run outside and the treadmill is my only option... motivation is hard. It was my intention to post my schedule for the Marden Half Marathon today but I haven't written it yet. Time ran short and excuses ran high.

Then I found myself not wanting even to run today. And the excuses were ever present... I'm tired, I have to teach two classes tonight, I was gone for work from 4:50am yesterday until 6:30pm, I feel a cold coming on.... all quite valid excuses, but it's building the base for my half marathon that counts. It is changing my mindset to dig deep today that will give me the confidence to run when it is hard during a race. So I am pledging that I WILL do my run tonight after work and I WILL finalize my running schedule. And for extra motivation for myself.. at timely quote from the finishing line of the Athens Marathon I ran a few years ago... sometimes we have to look back in order to give ourselves the kick in the butt we need.

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